Biography The Emissary of the Christ of God

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”
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His Prophetess of the Present Time, Gabriele. “I never wanted to be a prophet.” Read the biography of a woman of the people, who was called by God to serve Him by being the interpreter of His word as a prophet. The author, Matthias Holzbauer, passes on stories from Gabriele, in which she describes her childhood and youth. She tells what it meant for her to accept the call of God and to serve Him, the Eternal, as the interpreter of His word of light. And she accepted this call. One hundred percent – until today. “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” Thus spoke Jesus of Nazareth 2000 years ago. Gabriele is the living proof that also today, in our time, God does not let Himself be silenced – for the Free Spirit blows where it will. Gabriele is the proof that God, the Father of us all, loves His children. For He never forsakes us – not even in a time of upheavals and disasters, into which we human beings have maneuvered ourselves. Author: Matthias Holzbauer This book contains 2 CDs: CD1: “Deep Breathing” and “Abide in You” – 2 meditations CD2: “You Spurn the One God and Believe in Eternal Damnation. I Am the God of Love!” 264 pages, softbound, contains 2 CDs

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